Newsletter Oct/Nov 2012




Everything I write is my opinion and should be tested
through your own discernment.

       I give thanks for all of you who support me and Namaste and the work we do
with the Hierarchy, the Federation and Angels.

During the trip to Ireland and Scotland in October, we were successful in assisting to anchor the City of Light over Scotland, which is similar to the one we anchored over Sedona/Phoenix in September.  The next two will be anchored over Fairfield, Iowa, and Portland, Oregon, in December.  (Scheduled dates of my being in these areas to assist are listed later in this newsletter.)  The Cities of Light are made up of consciousness being gifted to the Earth and Humanity to assist in this evolutionary shift.

Only five of us traveled in what the Irish and Scots think of as a van, which is actually an SUV.  We had some fun times joking and getting our seat belts fastened.  I rode in the middle seat in the back so got lots of opportunities to use my stomach muscles raising my bottom for the others to reach their seat belts.  J  We had a wonderful driver, Tim Johnson, who quickly mastered driving on the wrong side of the road.  His wife, mj, was the navigator and had her ipad, iphone and two maps on her lap most of the time.  mj planned the trip and did a wonderful job of choosing the places we were to see, as well as the charming B&B’s and wonderful hotels for us to stay in.  We changed residences every night other than two times when we stayed two nights in the same place.  One of these was in Ashford Castle which is now a five star hotel that offered beautiful grounds.  Mary Fuxa took the opportunity there to interact with a falcon, which was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  She loves animals and is a vegetarian.  Once the falcon had performed well in not getting freaked out when dogs walked by, the trainer said she needed Mary to give the Falcon a special treat.  She placed a baby chicken’s head in Mary’s fortunately gloved hand.  Mary was brave and did not faint, but gave the bird its treat.  J  We traveled to St. Andrews in Scotland and visited the origins of golf.  Don Fuxa manages a golf course in South Dakota.

          One of our assignments was to assist the Spiritual Hierarchy to anchor another City of Light, like the one over the Yucatan and another over the Sedona/Phoenix area, over the Roslyn Chapel in Scotland which is to feed energy into all of the United Kingdom.    Maureen, our guide, said that they were not notified in advance that the DaVinci Code book was coming out.  Prior to the book’s release, the chapel normally had about 30,000 visitors yearly.  After the book was published, they had 150,000 visitors for whom their facilities, like toilets, food service and guides, were woefully inadequate. We sat and listened to a guide who had a sense of humor as she pointed out some of the carvings inside the chapel and gave information that is suspected or interpreted by historians as to the meanings of the carvings and symbols.   She told us stories of all kinds of people visiting after the book came out, with one group that was found in the crypt chanting in a circle holding skulls.  The acoustics in the crypt are amazing, so that is where the five of us went to sing the song and to anchor the city.  Music used to anchor these cities is the Battle Hymn of the Republic.  The Roslyn Chapel was covered with scaffolding and the day was completely fogged in so we could not see or photograph the outside and interior photos are not allowed. 

We traveled to see the Findhorn community in Scotland, which is something I’ve wanted to see since the early ‘80’s when I first heard of it.  Eileen Cady, her husband Peter and their friend Dorothy were traveling in an Airstream trailer in Scotland.  Eileen was a clear channel for Source.  Her inner voice asked them to move to the shore of Scotland next to the village and river of Findhorn and to start a garden.  Eileen communicated with the Devas of the plants and in the sandy beach soil they grew amazing vegetables and flowers.  Some of the cabbages weighed as much as forty pounds.  Findhorn is the oldest, most vibrant, functioning New Age community I’ve visited in all my travels.  Eileen and her husband Peter are now in the Spirit world.  The moment I stepped onto the Findhorn property an enormous energy hit my heart.  The message was that Eileen did not plan to return to the Earth plane anytime soon and was gifting me with one fourth of her consciousness to use for the work the Hierarchy and my soul do through this body.  I feel blessed and amazed by such a gift.  Every time any of us travel to do planetary and galactic work with the Hierarchy we receive new spiritual gifts, which is true for anyone who volunteers to do it and agrees to know what they receive.

This year when we did the work from Kauai with the 49 Rays and then with each country and state as we gave the Hierarchy and the Federation permission to fill all the mines, crevices and wells on the planet with fifth dimension energy, the group of us that volunteered to be there and to participate were given additional spiritual authority as well as what Spirit calls “arsenals” of spiritual gifts.  I prefer the word “tool box.”  Even though traveling to do this work is expensive financially, demanding physically and emotionally, I always find it to be worthwhile spiritually.

One of the projects we’ve been working on for years is the freeing of the people of Cuba.  While we were on this trip I saw an article that the Castro regime has agreed to allow the people of Cuba, other than the doctors, to purchase passports for $300 with permission to travel to any country that would give them a visa to visit and to work.  His stated hope is that they will go to other countries to work and bring the funds back to Cuba.

During the time we were working in Scotland, I was notified by the Hierarchy that the Russian mafia was planning a coup to take over the Russian government and that they had been enlisting their members into the Russian army since the breaking up of the country into smaller countries.  I had no idea how to approach stopping the possibility of the overtaking of their government, but I just got willing to allow my consciousness to be used and focused on Vladimir Putin and the leader of the Russian mafia as the Hierarchy poured Saturn Command energy into the situation.  Shortly after the process of energy began, the mafia starting fighting among themselves and lost their focus of overthrowing the government.

When I heard about the storm Sandy coming toward the east coast, my first reaction was to contact the twenty-first Ray of climate control and the master and Angel of that Ray to dissipate the storm, but when I tuned in the spiritual message was to leave it alone.  Apparently, the decision had been made at a higher level to stop the political party in-fighting by taking their attention into something bigger; taking care of people, which is really what we are to be about and what our government is to be about.  I was allowed to invoke 40 legions of Angels to move into that area to help people to deal with the devastation and inconvenience.  There are one thousand Angels in a legion.  Now that the snow storm has begun, we are allowed to invoke another 100 legions of Angels to be in that area to assist with the recovery and to wake people up to what is important in life and to their own spirit.

When we look at situations from a higher perspective, we can see the meaning behind many events that would otherwise only seem to be awful.  Closing the stock market may be the only way to keep a person from spending their day watching a ticker tape move across a screen instead of paying attention to their family.  We are not able to imagine what it will take to wake people up to their own divine nature, but there is a Divine Plan with that as the goal.  We can experience it by staying conscious and working with the bigger picture, or we can be confused by and judgmental of the higher methods being used to wake people up.

I’ve just been made aware of a website that might interest you.  The site can be reached by Googling “BRACO,” which is the name being used by a young Croatian healer who stands before crowds and silently channels energy for healing.  I found the videos to be very interesting.  I understand he is currently traveling in the U.S.

I will be in Fairfield, Iowa, November 30 through December 6 and available to do a  limited number of readings and activations.  I will also do a talk on Saturday, December 1, at 7:30 p.m. at Morning Star Studio and the group that attends will participate with the Hierarchy and Federation to anchor the City of Light over Iowa.

I will be in the Portland, Oregon, area December 15 through December 20 to do a limited number of readings and activations. I will work with a group of meditators from Portland and Seattle along with the Hierarchy and Federation to anchor another City of Light over the Pacific Northwest.  I will be doing a limited number of readings and activations at the Namaste Healing Center in Portland during my time in the area.  If your soul is indicating you are ready for a reading or activation, please contact me.  The readings are accomplished by my communicating with my soul, and my soul having a conference call with the soul of the client.  The activation involves activating seven tensor receptors in the back of the neck of the client as well as activating additional chakras in the body: the well of dreams chakra, the mouth of God chakra and the high heart chakra.  In certain cases where the client is bringing spiritual secrets from other lifetimes, it is important to activate the information stored in their knees.  The purpose of the activation is to adjust the frequency of the body to the frequency of the soul.  The readings are $144.00 and last for one hour and will include the activation when appropriate.  The activation alone is $30.00.

If your soul is encouraging you to have a reading or activation, you may contact me.  If your soul is encouraging you to be present for the talk in Fairfield it will be at the Morning Star Studio, at 7:30 p.m., on Saturday, December 1.

Thanksgiving is a great time to remember how fortunate we are to live in America, gratitude for the planet and our souls and all our other blessings.  Living with an attitude of gratitude at all times and for all things is the single greatest method of increasing our health and our prosperity.
I AM grateful for you and for all the people who support me and Namaste.  May you be richly blessed with friends, family, prosperity, health, fun, love and beautiful holidays.

It costs $3,000 per month to pay the rent and utilities for the Namaste Creativity Center to exist.  Namaste, Inc. is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization created for the purpose of spiritual education, enhancing creativity and assisting in the evolution of the planet and all life on the Earth.  Your contributions are tax deductible, welcomed and gratefully accepted.  We appreciate all of you who regularly contribute to the work we do and the activities and teachings we offer.  May you be richly blessed and rewarded a thousand fold for your generosity.                         

     Namaste, bj King and Judi Rider


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